Making Public Health Personal is a podcast brought to you by CUNY SPH. Each episode focuses on an aspect of health and social justice that affects our daily lives. Learn from CUNY SPH’s expert faculty, researchers, alumni and students on how public health policy, advocacy and practices can benefit our ever-evolving community, and our world. You don’t have to work in healthcare or have a PhD to understand these topics. We break them down for you and give you practical tips to make a difference, big or small.
NEW YORK, October 19, 2022 - How can we transform public health into an innovative, forward-thinking community of change agents willing to act quickly to meet the challenges and public health crises in our world? The Health Policy and Management curriculum at CUNY SPH has been preparing public health professionals to become innovation-driven leaders willing to challenge the status quo.
Today’s guest on the Making Public Health Personal podcast is Dr. Terry Huang, Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at CUNY SPH. He is also Director of the Center for Systems and Community Design at CUNY SPH, and developed a public health entrepreneurship platform called Firefly Innovations. Dr. Huang speaks with host Laura Meoli-Ferrigon about how his interdisciplinary background inspired a hands-on curriculum which develops leadership skills in our students so they can become innovative, forward-thinking leaders in public health. Dr. Huang discusses why the entrepreneurial mindset is more important than ever, and how to use it to transform organizations, communities, and society at large.
Whether you’re interested in entrepreneurship and starting your own business, or becoming an intrapreneur who brings these important skills into your organization, the Health Policy and Management curriculum at CUNY SPH can give you the tools you need to become a leader in public health. Learn more about the degrees offered in the Department of Health Policy and Management.