Doctors Under the Radar


Doctors Under the Radar aims to be the first to create and market a one-stop mental health support system for physicians, residents, and medical students nationwide.

Most medical organizations want to ensure the psychological health and safety of their staff and have instituted measures to assist, however, these measures do not reflective of the needs of their healthcare workers.

  • 94% of female physicians with a diagnosis don’t disclose it.

  • Around 50% of physicians isolate themselves to combat the issues.

  • 40% of physicians are reluctant to seek mental health treatment.

  • Only 30% connect with family, friends, religious and self-care practices. 

Our solutions are focusing on accessing data through building a community and providing solutions and support systems directly based on the needs of the physicians.

We will provide evidence-based and curated resources, and support channels to de-stigmatize physician mental health to provide options for female physicians to withstand the challenges associated with mental illness.

We currently have a podcast to increase awareness about physicians' mental health issues and humanize physicians. We have candid conversations with physicians about their journey and their perception of the issues facing them and the community. This creates an open door idea for other physicians to reach out or even analyze their own needs. We also have a community in which physicians can connect and communicate with the option of anonymity.